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Volkan Yücesu Blue Labyrinth Multimedia
in Wien

(1 Bewertungen / 0% Empfehlungsrate)

Trazerberggasse 2/16
1130 Wien

T:0664 4215860

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Time for you

Kolbegasse 39
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am 16.05.2024


Lost 700 Euros walking into this store and had a couple of days of unending grief!


After I managed to extract my original device from this shop, I noticed the battery was draining MUCH FASTER than when I had dropped it off. Did they install malware?


This is how they stressed me out:


i. when you drop off your device Razvan, the Romanian, will - without being asked - print off a receipt stating that they WILL NOT CHARGE to investigate what might be wrong with your device


NOTE: that 'Apple' sign outside the store - DISREGARD this. If you have an Apple device book yourself a Genius bar appointment online at the Apple store on the Kaerntnerstrasse in the first district (U4 subway will take you to Karlsplatz and then just walk up the Kaertnerstrasse towards the Stephansdom The large Apple store is on the right. Walk upstairs to the 2nd floor). IN CONTRAST to this 'Multimedia' store, the REAL Apple employees are honest, professional and polite. And competent. They were a delight to work with. What a contrast to this 'Multimedia'!


ii. you will be told something like 'it will only take an hour or so to diagnose the problem'.


Before you show up to retrieve your device, you will receive a phone call from the boss Christoph or Christian or some such name claiming that your device has water damage (are the photos of 'water damage' from some other person's device?), that your device has 'a lot of problems', that the diagnosis is very complicated and btw it will cost you a concocted amount such as euros 89.89 (the guy loves prices that end in .89 or .99 - you get the gist) to do a diagnosis. If you protest he will give you a laughable (cryable) explanation that 'this amount has been regulated by the chamber of commerce for e-commerce'. He will also claim that you have 'agreed' to the amount.


iii. while your device is in the store he may well damage it thus ensuring that you feel obliged to pay another euro 99 or so to 'service the mainboard' to get your original device up-and-running. Then he will try to sell you a refurbished device for the same price as it will cost you to buy a NEW device from the real Apple store on the Kärtnerstrasse.


I took my device to the Apple store on the Kaerntnerstrasse after my fiasco with ‚Multimedia’ and the charming Apple employee had a good laugh about Christian's 'servicing the mainboard'' charge. He told me there was no such thing as 'servicing the mainboard'


I chatted with a bunch of police about this 'Multimedia' hole-in-the-wall and they all were familiar with this store as they had received innumerable complaints. I was just one in a long list of unhappy customers.


After I shared my experience with friends I quickly found out that many others had been taken advantage of by ‚Multimedia‘. A friend's adult son - a doctor - had WARNED his parents NEVER to go to this 'Multimedia' shop. Social media is RIFE with complaints about Multimedia.


Disregard the 'five star' reviews. Made up.


If you see any kind of response under my review you would be wise to disregard it. There is only one acceptable course of action. MULTIMEDIA SHOULD BE SHUT DOWN!


Here's another of their tricks that you may experience:


You will be informed that their 'card reader' is broken (come on, if anyone can fix this, they should be able to) and they will warn you that you will ONLY get your device back IF YOU PAY WITH CASH. The Austrian tax authority would have a field day! If you explain that you do not have cash they will send you to the ATM machine around the corner. Try offering to do a direct bank transfer. Christian will get angry and HANG UP the phone on you.


And for all you dog lovers out there: they keep a dog behind the counter the whole day. She's an unfriendly Rottweiler.


Also disregard the 'EXPRESS SERVICE' sign outside. The only thing 'express' about their service is the express way they will extract money from you..


If you want to avoid endless grief DO NOT WALK INTO Multimedia!


I am SO angry and this is not the last they will hear of me!

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